Four Ways to Mindfully Cope with Uncertainty


Uncertainty has been a major factor causing our anxiety this year. Not knowing what’s next can be daunting and make us feel like we’re out of control. These feelings may be light for you or more heavy - in either case, our mental health is important and tuning in to yourself is key to staying well. When we take care of ourselves, the better we can take care of others and our communities - give yourself permission to practice self-care. Here are five ways to cope with uncertainty and managing your stress mindfully.

  1. Find Grounding.

    Connecting to the earth can help you ease your anxiety - this could be through going on a long walk in nature, going camping, or doing a yoga and meditation practice. The Chopra center has found that doing a regular grounding practice can decrease your overall stress. There are many grounding mindfulness practices from movement to journaling, find what works best for you or a combination of a few to start your day off mindfully.

  2. Invest In Yourself

    Practicing self-care is a vital part of mindfulness. The more we practice ourselves, the healthier our relationships will be and our interactions and responses the outside world will be more intentional. Take note of what brings you joy, what revitalizes you, and conversely - what may drain you. Journal about each of these things, then empower yourself to take time for those fulfilling activities and if you can, say no to things that are draining your energy. Take up space - you’re important!

  3. Detox

    I’m not talking about food - this detox is about limiting things in your life that are adding to your stress. Start with one thing per day, this could be turning off notifications on your phone on the weekends, deleting social media apps for a week, or going through your home and physically decluttering your space. Let the things that are weighing you down fall off your shoulders - take a deep breath in through your nose deep into your belly, then take a big exhale!

  4. Connect

    Even though we’re physically distancing from others doesn’t mean that we have to isolate ourselves. We’re social beings and it’s vital for us to stay connected to our communities even if it is from a distance. Plan weekly video chats with friends and family or a physically distanced picnic. Honor your boundaries, but ensure your needs are met socially.

For more mindfulness - join me for a yoga + mediation class!

Molly Black