Reducing Inflammation with Food by Holistically Chic
As I write this, it’s November and in the mid 70s outside!
But realistically, we know this won’t last and it will soon be cold outside in many states
During the cold months, it’s very common that people who experience pain from inflammation can feel that pain and inflammation even more.
In my attempt to help everyone be preventative, I wanted to share some foods and tips to help over come inflammation.
For some, it may seem inevitable that their body becomes inflamed and they feel they can’t get rid of it, but there are definitely ways to help the situation.
First, do we need inflammation? Actually yes we do.
Think about when you get a paper cut. It will get inflamed for a little bit so your white blood cells can come to the rescue with a plan of attack and help heal the paper cut.
But what happens when those signals get over loaded or mixed up?
What happens if we don’t get this inflammation under control?
Chronic inflammation can lead to a variety health issues such as:
High Blood Pressure
& More.
How do we fix this?
Through food primarily and activities to reduce stress. Together, these will help to decrease inflammation.
What foods contribute to inflammation?
Sugar: processed foods, soda
Refined Grains: white bread, white rice, pasta. This turns to sugar in the body.
Trans Fats: Oils & Butter
Meat: primarily red meat and pork.
Gluten: even if you don't have celiac, you can be intolerant to gluten.
What Foods help prevent inflammation?
Dark Leafy Greens
As much raw fruits and vegetables as you can and preferably organic
Make vegetables the majority of your plate
Plant Based Omega-3s
Nut Oils
Chia Seeds
Flax Seeds
Black Pepper
Cayenne Pepper
All Spice
Most Importantly….Stay Hydrated and add green tea to your daily drinks!
Curious about reducing your inflammation when it comes to bloat?
Join my email challenge here where you'll get easy tips you can implement right away and say bye to bloat for good!
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